Growing a Nutrition Trend – LVI Project Launch
March 9th, 2017:
Growing a Nutrition Trend
Team LaFFter, a local group from the Leadership Vancouver Island program, has teamed up with
Ladysmith Family and Friends (LaFF) to bring the party back to growing and eating nutritious food.
“It’s easier than you think to grow your own food,” says Margaret Mills, Horticultural Supervisor for the City of Nanaimo and Master Organic Gardener. “If you spend just a bit of time planning and
preparing, your garden will pay you back with a riot of hardy plants and vegetables.”
But what exactly are these planning steps? And what actions should you take to reap the most from
your harvest? These are just a few of the questions that Team LaFFter will answer in their free resource covering all the steps of good nutrition and summed up in the acronym FiGiCiEi (Find it, Grow it, Cook it, Eat it). The goal is to kick-start families to make regular nutrition deposits in their health, and to empower them to continue growing their investment. In keeping with the theme of the project, the launch of the resource will be held on Friday, May 5th at the Ladysmith Family and Friends spring planting party.
“It’s fitting that we will launch our resource at the LaFF spring planting party,” Margaret advises, “but the party really begins once you take the resource home and start to celebrate good food and good health with your family.”
For more information about Team LaFFter and the Resource Guide project, please feel free to contact
them at: Sue Bouma: