Curriculum & Facilitation Squad
Here is some background on many of the knowledgeable, passionate leaders who develop and deliver LVI Program sessions. You might not see them all every year – depending on their busy schedules – so we invite you to check out their website or LinkedIn profile to find out more.
Alison Matthews

Alison Matthews
Alison is an experienced professional performing artist, as well as a highly regarded voice and speech teacher. With extensive theatre training in all major dramatic forms, she leverages recognized processes to promote physical awareness, release tension, enhance effective exploration and free the voice.
With an MFA in Theatre from UBC, and an Associateship in Speech & Drama from Trinity Guildhall London, Alison has over two decades of wide-ranging professional acting experience and boasts numerous film, television and stage credits. Leadership Vancouver Island is grateful for Alison’s many years of sharing her time and expertise to show our program participants how to better connect through communication. Have a look at the following video:
Beth Page

Beth Page
Beth works with clients to honour the human dimension of change while achieving desired business outcomes. Her books include “Change Happens, Done Deal: Your Guide to Merger and Acquisition Integration”, and a chapter in the best-selling “Awakening the Workplace”. She is an Associate Faculty at Royal Roads University.
A long-time supporter of the LVI Program, Beth has served as the Society’s Volunteer Relations Chair. As a skilled facilitator, she explores the transformative role of leadership with our cohorts. Her hobbies include spending time with her two dogs, playing the harp, backpacking and hiking around Vancouver Island, and kayaking.
Bruce Williams

Bruce Williams
Bruce is fond of saying, “I may have lived the better part of my life in Ontario, but I have lived the best part of my life on Vancouver Island.”
In addition to providing sound advice to LVI Community Project Teams, Bruce supports the United Way, the Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island, and Vancouver Island University. He recently co-founded the Spark Strategic Group, a communications company focused on marketing, advertising and community engagement strategies.
When not busy with those undertakings and his considerable volunteer roles, Bruce is a better-than-average cook, a far worse-than-average golfer, and will attempt any type of home renovation or repair project before hiring someone to do it right.
Bryan Webber

Bryan Webber
Bryan is the Associate Dean in the Faculty of Management at Vancouver Island University, where he specializes in organizational studies and human resources. He is a Certified Human Resource Professional, a certified facilitator of the Strengths Deployment Inventory, and a graduate of Corporate Coach University. As a coach, Bryan helps leaders, employees, and entrepreneurs navigate their unique path in the working world.
Bryan is active in his community supporting organizational and leadership learning. He served for many years as LVI’s Curriculum Chair, where he created many inspirational learning opportunities for program participants. He facilitates learning and growth experiences to help his students and clients lead themselves and others with passion and purpose.
David Gouthro

David Gouthro
David possesses a rare talent for instilling inspiration, courage and innovation in audiences and individuals engaged in his programs and presentations. He has a knack for leading, in an ongoing pursuit of the knowledge and the skills necessary for achieving greater effectiveness.
David has a playful approach that incorporates variety, humour and fun into all he undertakes, while remaining sensitive to the unique needs and circumstances of each distinct group. His thought-provoking sessions evoke participation and action that lead individuals and organizations to greater levels of satisfaction and growth. David has supported LVI since the program’s inception, and travels over to the Island each year to kick off our Leadership Days.
Elfie Smith

Elfie Smith
Elfie has worked at Vancouver Island University for 14 years and recently took on the role of Chief Transformation & Project Director for an institutional systems implementation project.
Elfie is passionate about life-long learning. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce in Management Information Systems and a Masters in Professional Communication. She is also certified in Organizational Change Management and Neuro-leadership.
Elfie makes a practice of listening to music, trying to apply creativity to problem-solving, and spends as much time as possible playing games with her kids. She is able to facilitate a number of LVI sessions, including team communication strategies.
Florie Varga

Florie Varga
Florie is a business consultant and coach who joined the Leadership Vancouver Island team in 2017. Coach Florie applies an outcome based focus to support her clients in their inspired breakthrough to clarity, courage and commitment in business, life and family. In addition to program coaching duties, Florie serves on LVI’s Curriculum Committee.
Florie is married and has two really cool daughters who keep her hopping in all things. She loves traveling, camping, yoga and is an avid lifelong learner. She has a keen interest in personal development and fostering how we can thrive in connection with each other.
Jacqueline Cameron

Jacqueline Cameron
For almost 20 years, Jacquie has had the privilege of being involved in developing and delivering engaging learning experiences with a focus on promoting self-awareness, personal growth and self-leadership. With a Masters in Leadership and Adult Education, she helps organizations align employee and organizational development initiatives to realize their strategic business goals in a variety of areas including leadership development and coaching, change management, and team building.
Jacquie recently moved to Qualicum Beach from Winnipeg, where she was involved with Leadership Manitoba. Pursuing her dream of working independently, she has recently launched Alere Learning Co. She helped LVI develop (and facilitated!) a session on inclusive leadership.
Jesse Kemp

Jesse Kemp
Jesse has traveled the globe educating diverse groups of people: new professors, experienced teachers, corporate trainers, as well as inmates and the homeless. He believes anyone has the capacity to learn and grow; and likes to help people do that!
Now living in Nanaimo, he is an instructor at Vancouver Island University. Jesse’s specialty is active engagement; he fights for the participant’s interest in all of his sessions and is a master at attention grabbing! He is a positive and powerful facilitator who explores team dynamics during “Leadership to Empower and Engage”.
Dr. Ken Hammer

Dr. Ken Hammer
Dr. Ken is fondly referred to as one of the founding fathers of the LVI Program. As a professor at Malaspina University College (now VIU) he researched existing programs around the world, developed a curriculum framework, and met with focus groups in various BC communities. In 2005 Leadership BC launched in Kamloops, Quesnel and Nanaimo followed by Ladysmith in 2006. He started Ken Hammer & Associates in 2000, which offers leadership and management development; business education and consulting. Ken is also a licensed Realtor, currently with REMAX Nanaimo.
Ken is a busy fellow and we try to find a role for him each year, including as our Keynote Speaker at Graduation.
Kix Citton

Kix Citton
Kix is a creative, resourceful and service-focused community connector with a strong commitment to collaboration and sustainability. She has a background in outdoor education, health administration, and program development. Kix is founding member of the Inclusive Leadership Co-operative and currently serves on their board of directors. She says, “Inclusive Leadership is a flexible, playful and strong circle of practices that stretch endlessly to include and honour people of all ages and all identities.”
Kix provides fun and engaging team-building activities as part of LVI’s Opening Retreat and can be counted on to deliver activity-based learning.
Laura McCafferty

Laura McCafferty
As a Professional Certified Coach, workshop designer and facilitator, Laura is committed to representing a new kind of leader that links action, value, meaning, and healthy spaces for human interaction. She cares deeply about contributing to and cultivating significant growth in others around self, leadership, teams and community to address the current challenges that our world is calling for.
Laura cares about connection, community, learning and supporting leaders to lead themselves, their teams and their organizations in healthy, viable and affirming ways. She also loves to cook, entertain and pretend she’s a golfer. Yoga, walking and reading recharge her batteries. Laura is a past LVI Board President, and returned last year to develop a new session on commitment-based project management.
Maarten Van Wamel

Maarten Van Wamel
Maarten is a Leadership and Organizational Developer who supports leaders to generate circumstances that allow our constantly changing and increasingly culturally diverse communities, businesses and organizations to be successful. His experience and firm belief in people’s ability to learn have allowed him to design, manage and deliver action learning leadership and personal development programs that make a difference. Maarten is an awesome member of LVI’s Curriculum Committee, and helps the cohort create balanced and effective teams.
Dr. Patrick Ross

Dr. Patrick Ross
Patrick is a founding member and long-time supporter of Leadership Vancouver Island. He has contributed to the Society as Chairman of the Board, program facilitator, presenter, Curriculum Committee Chair, and took the lead to establish the LVI program on the West Coast. He remains actively involved as an advisor, facilitator, and our brightest ambassador!
Patrick shares a fundamental belief that investing in our youth is a smart and strategic way to ensure stronger communities in the future. In 2008, Patrick retired from a long career in public education that included Vice-President, Student Services at Malaspina University-College (VIU) and Assistant Superintendent in School District 68.
In retirement, Patrick provides a wide variety of consulting services to both the public and private sectors. During LVI sessions he invites the cohort to have “Purposeful Conversations” that are intended to engage, provoke, and move the participants to new actions. Patrick spends leisure time enjoying golf and fitness, travelling, and being a husband, father and grandpa.
Randel Wright

Randel Wright
Randel is about increasing communication. He’s been in business for more than 30 years both as manager and owner. Over the past few years he has focused on Coaching, while running a medium sized underwater commercial construction company.
Randel has developed great communication skills through education and experience as a relationship coach. With a Bachelor of Arts in business, he is also certified as a Solution Focused Coach, Family Coach, and NLP Master Practitioner through Erickson College International.
Randal joined the LVI Coaching Team for the 2016-2017 program year and was appointed to the Board in March 2017. Coach Randy also serves as Curriculum Chair and facilitates where and when needed. He’s a busy guy and we appreciate his many contributions.
Dr. Richardo Manmohan

Dr. Richardo Manmohan
As Program Coordinator for LVI’s West Coast Chapter and facilitator for the Pacific Rim Leadership Centre, Ricardo hosts a variety of leadership programs on the West Coast. Each one is geared to a different audience, but all focus on growing the future leaders of small communities. Sessions reflect his training as a leader in both the military and the corporate world and are enhanced by outdoor experiences.
Ricardo recently completed his Doctorate at Royal Roads University focusing on increasing the impact of leadership programs in both rural and Indigenous communities. He brings energy, insight and passion to his LVI sessions.
Tania Walter Gardiner

Tania Walter Gardiner
Tania is a certified professional coach with a passion for leadership, learning and contribution to community. She has volunteered with LVI for many years, facilitating coaching competencies for leaders and team building sessions, coaching participants and has served as Coaches Coach, Curriculum Chair and Board President.
In her coaching practice, Tania works in partnership with socialpreneurial leaders to orient their internal compass aligned with their specific energy, talents and expertise to create values-based, progressive and sustainable results.
Tania also is a facilitator with Erickson Coaching International, providing coaching training. In addition to her professional coach training, she has a Masters in Leadership and Bachelors in Recreation Management with a minor in psychology, is a Master Neuro-linguistic Practitioner and certified High Performance Team Coach.
Stuart Burke

Stuart Burke
Stuart is a long time contributor to LVI both as a videographer and editor. His editing skills excel in “telling the story”. He has produced numerous videos of facilitators, community projects and testimonials from graduates, which can be viewed on our website. Stuart is a graduate of the VIU Digital Media Studies Program.