Sarah Bromley

Digital Marketing Strategist


1. Tell us about yourself and your career…

Currently, I’m the Technical Director at Array Web + Creative. I wear a lot of hats in this position, and have 4 staff who work under me. Day to day, I spend a lot of time working alongside the CEO on business direction, though usually from a technical / production standpoint. I also spend a lot of time assisting with business development on quoting / pricing and technical advising. I’ve been working with Array for 8 years now, after graduating from the Internet Production program at Vancouver Island University in 2008.

2. What made you choose to take part in the LVI leadership training program?

I was interested in the opportunity for leadership development. Array was founded and initially run by two brothers, who stepped back two years ago and left the business in the hands of the remaining upper management – myself and the CEO. We saw this as an opportunity to evaluate & improve upon our current leadership structure & methods. We have a team of 11 currently in the office, and it’s just at that size of a team where you do need to be paying attention to how you manage everyone.

3. What were your favourite aspects of the program?

I was surprised at the personal development that I’ve been able to accomplish through the program. Leadership VI’s motto is “Leading Self, Leading Others, Leading Community.” I never realized how important the “Leading Self” part is. I’ve found that the program has taught me to stop and recognize what my own personal values are, and how they motivate me in my life & my life choices. Doing so has enabled me to see others from a new perspective as well: what are their values? What is motivating them? It’s so tempting to believe that everyone is more or less the same in how we see and evaluate the world. In truth, we couldn’t be more different. Recognizing my own values & motivations has not only allowed me to accomplish more & be happier with my own achievements, but it has also allowed me to understand the people I work & live with so much better.

4. How has LVI impacted your career and life outside of work?

There are two really practical improvements LVI has made on my life as a whole. I used to be quite a procrastinator, and I would occasionally struggle to follow through on commitments I had made. (I tend to overload myself). This would lead to a lot of personal stress. Now, I’m doing a much better job of managing my time & commitments, and staying on top of my “to-do” list. I also stress less about what I “haven’t gotten done yet,” and in general am enjoying my commitments instead of worrying about them! Secondly, LVI has helped to improve my overall confidence – I’m having an easier time with public speaking & working with strangers, and I worry less when entering into new & challenging situations.

5. Who would you recommend takes part in the LVI program?

Everyone – but make sure you have the time to take it on. It’s only once a month, but the time commitment can be challenging if your work life is demanding (it’s full day Fridays.) The community project can also be a challenge to squeeze into your life if you are already super busy! But if you have the time to make this commitment, I think anyone and everyone can benefit from this program in some way.

Sarah Bromley
Digital Marketing Strategist
Array Web + Creative


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