Leadership Day #6 wrap up
We came together in person at the Departure Bay Kin Hut. Janet led us through Mindful Moments. Then Ramona McLean (Cheryl was away on a sunny vacation) started the day with Human Bingo. It was a sheet of bingo questions such as, “I know the rules of the road”, “When seeking feedback I do so from a diverse group of stakeholders”, and “Who can name all the Star Wars movies.” We went around and talked to the participants to get the Bingo.
Janet talked, not as an expert, kinds of diversity that we know about. She delved into terminology of the person-colour, attitude, differently-able, race, sex and more. Bradd can through with the Values Spectrum Exercise where in teams with a coach they initiated thought on how you personal values may align with, or differ from, those of others.
Safety is not the absence of threat; it is the presence of connections. Gabor Mate
Don Beecham and Hazel (I did not get her last name) led us around an Indigenous Healing Circle. They used eagle feathers; claw rattle and a circle drum to speak their truth.
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