Press release: Team T-Equity is looking into Equitable Access to Technology
Team T-Equity, Leadership Vancouver Island
Equitable Access to Technology
Collaboration to Promote Equitable Access to Technology and Digital Literacy on Vancouver Island
Nanaimo, BC: A group of participants enrolled in Leadership Vancouver Island came together with a goal to donate ten gently used HP computers from the City of Nanaimo IT Department to families in need, to promote the importance of equitable access to technology on Vancouver Island.
Tillicum Lelum, an Aboriginal Friendship Center in Nanaimo, accepted the computers. “We thank the City of Nanaimo IT Department for their donation, and Leadership Vancouver Island’s Team T-Equity for their coordination. We look forward to connecting families in need with these computers,” said Pedro Corpuz, Child Youth & Community Service Manager.
In making this donation, Team T-Equity learned that access to technology is about more than having a device in your home or school. Equal access requires improving digital literacy. To this end, Team T-Equity is working to create “how-to” guides to include with the computer donation to assist recipients in accessing necessary tools like Google Drive. In partnership with Tillicum Lelum, Team T-Equity also hopes to learn more from the recipients of the HP computers about how the donation will assist them in their goals and life.
This project follows similar efforts throughout the last two years of the COVID-19 pandemic to improve access to technology in other communities. For instance, School District 79, Cowichan Tribes, Kwumut Lelum, and the Duncan House of Friendship teamed up during the initial COVID-19 shut down to immediately provide children in need with iPads with keyboards, stands, and built-in wireless access, so they could learn remotely.
These and other efforts to connect children with technology will hopefully inspire everyone looking to improve digital literacy on Vancouver Island to find out how they can help their local organizations in such projects.
About Tillicum Lelum Tillicum Lelum is a Friendship Center in Nanaimo that promotes justice, fairness and equality for Aboriginal people through a holistic approach to programming and services. Their philosophy is one that encompasses all people in the community who request our assistance.
About Leadership Vancouver Island – Team Collaboration Leadership Vancouver Island (LVI) is a community-focused, grassroots leadership development program that aims to inspire and build capacity for oustanding leadership, learning and service. The purpose of LVI is to: Foster Leadership Development, Raise Community Awareness and Build Innovative Communities.
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