Press release: Team Young @ Heart is encouraging children to be more active daily for a chance to win prizes
Team Young @ Heart. Live @ Play in Action
March 11, 2022 – Nanaimo, BC – City of Nanaimo Parks, Recreation & Culture today announced a partnership with Leadership Vancouver Island, Young @ Heart. This partnership will be aimed at motivating school age children between the ages of 11-12 within the Nanaimo area to be more active daily.
“We are excited to be a part of this program with the Leadership Vancouver Island, Young @ Heart team in rolling out this program to the children. This program fits into our mission statement of enhancing the quality of life and leisure in Nanaimo”, commented Darcie Osbourne, Manager Recreation with City of Nanaimo, Parks, Recreation & Culture.
Passports are being created and will be distributed to school age children between the ages of 11 to 12. The passport will contain fun, family-oriented activities that the children can complete at home or at many of the City of Nanaimo Parks, Recreation & Culture facilities. Upon completion of the 10-day activities passport, the children will be able to return them for a chance at some amazing prizes. The children can anticipate receiving a passport from their schools the last week of April 2022.
City of Nanaimo Parks, Recreation & Culture:
The Parks, Recreation and Culture Department coordinates and oversees recreation programming for all ages and abilities in several interest areas. The department also maintains city-owned properties, the amenities at these locations and organizes the booking of recreations facilities, parks and equipment. Along with managing and maintaining 1,400 hectares (3,459 acres) of parks, trails and other protected open space, the department protects, conserves and enhances Nanaimo’s natural environment by providing input into the development process and guiding environmental policy to support stewardship and outreach program efforts.
Through these areas of responsibility, the department aims to live up to its mission statement “to enhance the quality of life and leisure in Nanaimo”.
Missing from picture Cheryl and Bonnie.
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