Leadership Day #4
Thank you to Allison for the Territory address. Janet’s Mindful Moment meditation was on “Letting Go”. Bradd provided a COVID check up and feedback on virtual classrooms.
Leaders of the Day Allison and Erin did a check in from the last meeting: Mayor Krog, Curriculum Task Force, and Chris Paradis. Then they introduced community speaker Isabelle Mercier-Turcotte from LeapZone Strategies who talked about her Ted Ex experience, branding and more. The benefit of branding is how you leave people feeling at the end of the day. “Happiness is what I think, what I say, what I do in alignment”
Allison and Erin presented an Ice Breaker where one person showed a body movement, everyone participated then picked the next person to show a body movement. And so on, with all the participants doing the wave, arm swings and 5 jumps, and more.
Darlene and Tammy facilitated priming the conversation, polled participants on comfort level and WOW (ways of working)! There were many breakout rooms where participants talked about what is a trigger, 3 levels of listening and 5 C’s. There was a lot of chat function to add to the learning.
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