Supporting Kids’ Big Dreams and Bright Futures – LVI Project Launch
Sign Up for the Canada Learning Bond and Get Up To $2,000 towards Your Kids’ Education!
Support Kids’ Big Dreams and Bright Futures with Free Money from the Government Nanaimo BC
There are over 6,000 children in the city of Nanaimo eligible for the Canada Learning Bond (CLB), and only one third of them have been signed up for the program. Leadership Vancouver Island (LVI) project team Bright Futures, Thuyshenum, is determined to sign up as many children as possible by hosting a sign-up event at Maffeo Sutton Park.
Bright Futures is teaming up with Vancouver Island University (VIU) and local businesses to bring the first annual Thuyshenum event to our community. This event will introduce families to the Canada Learning Bond, a grant designed to help save for their children’s education. Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 13, 2017 and join Bright Futures in the heart of the Harbour City at Maffeo Sutton Park.
William Litchfield, Executive Director of University Relations, is looking forward to adding more momentum to VIU’s successful promotion of the CLB: “Vancouver Island University is a nationally recognized leader in promoting the Canada Learning Bond, and we are very excited to welcome new partnerships that share our values to increase the uptake of the CLB grant and help in making dreams of post-secondary education possible for everyone”.
“As an LVI grad I am so pleased to be working with another project team on the promotion of the Canada Learning Bond. I know [the LVI] program attracts the best and the brightest and I am very excited to see where this partnership will lead us all” said Rolanda Murray, Canada Learning Bond Coordinator & University Relations/Government and Public Affairs VIU.
Bright Futures team members will connect with everyone who attends their event to ensure they are well informed about the CLB, answer any questions, and get people signed up and registered – directly at the event. The intention is to make the process as easy and streamlined as possible so that every eligible child will have a savings fund started to meet educational needs that will fulfill their dreams. As described on the SmartSaver website “[anyone] can get up to $2,000 in free education money. No financial commitment is required from those applying, all the funds are provided by the government of Canada through an RESP (Registered Education Savings Plan).”
To ensure a successful and interesting event, Bright Futures will provide activities and food to families who attend. To ensure the public is well informed of the event, info sessions will be held over the course of the next 8 weeks. A website will be created, as well as a social media campaign, which will release more details for the information sessions as well as the event itself. In the spirit of community collaboration, Bright Futures will be sharing their event space with another LVI project team. Team “Bee” will host a mini-festival to help educate Nanaimo about the importance, preservation and reasons for the decline of the honey bee population.
Bright Futures and Team Bee are project teams formed through the LVI Program. Leadership Vancouver Island is a community-focused leadership development program that provides members of Island communities with the professional training, coaching support, and hands-on learning opportunities they need to realize and grow their potential as individuals and global citizens.
For more information, please visit www.leadershipvi.com.
For more information about Bright Futures and their Canada Learning Bond project, please contact:
Micki McCartney, 250-740-6484, micki.mccartney@viu.ca.
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